Teen (11-16)

January 29, 2013

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

1. Echo Springs: You investigate how old mechanical calculators stored numbers in memory by making echoes of them on springs, and you also make some very strange sounds.
2. Chain Reactions? You set up some chemical reactions that get out of control very fast and then try to make a chain reaction with mouse traps and ping pong balls.
3. Pinhole Lens: You’ll try to make a good quality camera lens with a pinhole, with a water droplet, and with a combination of glass lenses.
4. Flash Powders: You’ll try different kinds of powders and air mixtures to produce the best FOOM!?
5. Hardness Testing: You’ll test all sorts of materials to discover the hardest and softest ones. Tell your mom that we’ll need her 10 carat diamond ring… I’m sure she won’t mind!
6. Density Column: You’ll get to make a sticky, gooey, colorful mess while trying to create up to ten layers of liquids.
7. Low-Melt Plastics: This is an experiment about inventing ways to solve problems using only hot blobs of plastic.
8. Strobe Lights: You’ll find ways to stop water drops in mid air, examine fan blades changing shape while they are spinning, and you’ll even find out if you go crazy because of blinking lights!
9. Magnetic Tape: You’ll try to find a way to record and then play back your voice using magnetic tape and some junky stuff.
10. Removing Graffiti and Labels: Don’t you just hate it when you wake up and find graffiti and labels stuck on your face? You’ll investigate ways to remove stuff like that.