Fire-Breathing Dragons-AM

July 25, 2013

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Fighting with Fire-Breathing Dragons
Each day we will select two or three experiments from the following list, depending on weather and ability of the students. We reserve the right to change the subjects as necessary to meet the needs of the children. The age group for all programs is 5 - 11. Most days, there are three lessons, and all students are together for the opening part of the lesson. Then we randomly split them into two groups for the story and the hands-on experiment.
Launching Water Balloons: What better way to douse the dragon’s fire? Use four giant slingshots to find out what feature makes them shoot the furthest.
Smoke Rings: This is useful for distracting ridgeback dragons. Use stage fog to create smoke rings from all sorts of containers.
Hovercraft: Float heavy weapons over land and water right to the dragon’s lair.
Parachutes and Leaf Blowers: These are handy if the dragon decides to give you a toss from up in the clouds.
Cork Shooters: With loud noises and flying objects you can create a diversion.
Straw Rockets: No dragon will be safe in the sky. These go so high they seem to disappear.
Gigantic Stretchy Wobbly Soap Bubbles: It turns out that dragons are deathly afraid of bubbles!
Water Bottle Rockets: A barrage of water bottle rockets will put out the fire and scare away all but the bravest dragon.
Launching Film Cans: Mix chemicals together to create fizz and fog and then use them to launch objects with impunity.
Marshmallow Cannons: Never look directly into the eyes of a vampire bunny or you will become hypnotized. Ddiscover a way to shoot marshmallows around corners!
Roller Coasters: Dragons just can’t resist trying to eat people riding on roller coasters. Better make yours go fast!
Box Towers: Build towers of cardboard boxes as tall as you can and then knock them down.
Stomp Rockets: Dragons love eating messengers, but it might be possible to send a message by way of a simple rocket.
Curveball and Frisbees: Dragons just don’t know what to do about things that don’t fly straight.
Balloon Rockets: When dragons see these, they get so furious that they start fighting with each other.