Outsmart Evil Mr. Fred-PM

August 5, 2013

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Outsmarting Evil Mister Fred
Each day we will select two or three experiments from the following list, depending on weather and ability of the students. We reserve the right to change the subjects as necessary to meet the needs of the children. The age group for all programs is 5 - 11. Most days, there are three lessons, and all students are together for the opening part of the lesson. Then we randomly split them into two groups for the story and the hands-on experiment.
Flash Paper: Jack and Jill need to scare away a horde of rampaging minions riding on kangaroos with only ping pong balls. How can they do it?
Secret Sand: Jack and Jill have to jump into a pond and jump back out without getting wet. How can they do that?
Cartesian Divers: Evil Mister Fred has sent his minions riding on sharks to attack Jack and Jill’s underwater city. How can they stop the sharks from getting there?
Glow Sticks: Of course, evil Mister Fred makes his trapped prisoners eat dinner in the pitch-black darkness of the dungeon. Is there any way the prisoners can scare evil Mister Fred so badly that he will let them have the lights on?
Fiber Optics: Evil Mister Fred bought a death star equipped with laser cannons. Can Jack and Jill save their planet with just clear plastic rods?
Destructive Testing: Evil Mister Fred lets his victims choose the material that would be used to tie them up dangling from the branches of a tree in the jungle. Can you guess which material would give them the best chance to escape?
Dry Ice: Evil Mister Fred has spies everywhere. How can Jack and Jill sneak chocolate ice cream, cakes, and hacksaws into his dungeon to help the prisoners escape?
Cylinder & Sphere Race: Jack and Jill are racing against evil Mister Fred’s minions down the side of a steep mountain. Should they roll down inside of a ball or inside of a big pipe?
Popcorn Volcano: The clouds have been changed by evil Mister Fred so that it is raining elephants. How can Jack and Jill protect themselves and the elephants?
Helium Balloons: Evil Mister has trimmed the feathers on the wings of the flying whales. How can Jack and Jill help them land safely?
Foosh! and Boom!: Evil Mister Fred commanded his minions to sneak up on an unsuspecting village and tickle the people there mercilessly. Is there any way Jack and Jill can warn them?
Oscillating Pendulum: Tarzan is swinging through the jungle on vines, but evil Mister Fred has taught trees to jump right smack in front of Tarzan. How can Jack and Jill keep Tarzan from going splat?
Mirror Maze: Jack and Jill have to capture a vampire deep down inside of a dripping, dreary, dark, dank, depressing, dreadful cave. How can they do it without getting bitten?
Rolling Forever: Evil Mister Fred has cursed the Jack-and-Jill-O’Lanterns so that if they stop rolling, even for two seconds, they will turn into pumpkin pies. What shall they do?
Burn Money: Evil Mister Fred made a new law that everything had to be bought with burning money, but the stores would not accept money while it was burning or after it was a pile of ashes. How can Jack and Jill outsmart him?